Christopher Cundy

Articles by Christopher Cundy

  • IASB staff propose 2023 deadline for IFRS 17

    06 March 2020

    One year later than previous recommendation

  • Chilean riots show potential for catastrophic SRCC losses

    05 March 2020

    One-third of strike, riot and civil commotion losses incurred by retailers, says PCS report

  • Aviva profits rise 6% as cost-cutting bears fruit

    05 March 2020

    Last year for major longevity reserve releases

  • Eiopa publishes tests for "holistic assessment" of Solvency II review

    04 March 2020

    Alternatives to risk margin calculation to be tested

  • UK actuaries take another crack at equity-release mortgage valuation

    03 March 2020

    Valuation of equity-release mortgages (ERMs) is one of the most controversial topics in the UK actuarial community, and the latest update from the working party only makes a small step towards resolving the debate. Christopher Cundy reports

  • PCS launches loss index for Latin America

    03 March 2020

    Chilean riots accelerate development of loss reporting service

  • Munich Re applies Solvency II volatility adjustment to Ergo business

    28 February 2020

    Comparability with peers cited as reason

  • Scor celebrates 50th year with premiums and profit growth

    27 February 2020

    French reinsurer brushes off threats from coronavirus and US casualty claims

  • Generali launches green ILS framework

    26 February 2020

    Italian insurer "wants to consider sustainability in capital management solutions"

  • EU must stay firm on ICS commitment, says European Commission

    24 February 2020

    Testing for global Insurance Capital Standard shaken by French withdrawal