Callum Tanner

Articles by Callum Tanner

  • Eiopa joins international information exchange

    28 July 2016

    Bernardino cites improved ability to monitor large cross-border insurers

  • IAIS reaches fork in the road on systemic risk

    26 July 2016

    International regulators are opening up to the idea of framing systemic risk in market-wide activities rather than individual companies. Callum Tanner reports

  • Best and worst Brexit scenario outlined for insurers

    26 July 2016

    Losing passporting rights is key risk, says Willis Towers Watson

  • Hymans and L&G team up on longevity pricing

    25 July 2016

    New service will encourage smaller pension schemes to transfer longevity risk says L&G

  • FCA takes action against five general insurers

    22 July 2016

    Two insurers told to stop selling through appointed representatives

  • Amice slams treatment of mutuals by IAIS

    22 July 2016

    Association pushes back against special treatment as "micro-entities"

  • Commission kicks off Solvency II reforms

    21 July 2016

    Cost-of-capital in risk margin formula to be investigated

  • Natural hazard losses highest since 2011

    21 July 2016

    Aon Benfield estimates $30bn of insured losses in first half

  • IAIS moves forward with global capital standard

    19 July 2016

    Industry concerned by ambitious timetable and lack of political support

  • Firms invited to recalculate transitional

    15 July 2016

    Triggered by fall in swap rates after EU referendum, says Hymans Robertson