Callum Tanner

Articles by Callum Tanner

  • Bulk annuity market strong despite low rates, regulation and Brexit

    27 September 2016

    L&G wrote £1.2bn of business across third quarter in UK and US

  • Commission approves French reinsurance scheme

    26 September 2016

    CCR's government guarantee does not breach state aid rules

  • Lloyd's director plays down regulator's fears over capital

    22 September 2016

    Soft market impact is limited and model drift unlikely, says finance director

  • FCA scales down plan to probe big data pricing

    21 September 2016

    Regulator still fears higher costs and lack of cover for some

  • Czech Republic transposes Solvency II

    20 September 2016

    Signed into law by Czech President on 6 September

  • UK firms remove risk margin from Orsa

    20 September 2016

    Own view in pillar 2 reduces margin compared to pillar 1

  • LV= solvency ratio drops 20 points

    19 September 2016

    Exploring options to increase solvency ratio from 126%

  • Pulling the trigger on Solvency II transitional recalculations

    13 September 2016

    Callum Tanner investigates UK insurers' first experiences with transitional recalculations and finds contrasting approaches to deal with the volatility of Solvency II ratios

  • One year transitional introduced for PRA fees

    12 September 2016

    Delays potential cost increases from Solvency II reporting requirement

  • ABI calls for law on driverless car claims

    09 September 2016

    Insurers should be able to claim against car and software companies