Callum Tanner

Articles by Callum Tanner

  • Give more power to regulators amid low interest rates, says ESRB

    29 November 2016

    Suggestions include ban to dividends before SCR breach

  • Irish regulator preparing for Brexit influx

    28 November 2016

    Insurers "proactively approaching" CBI amid Brexit uncertainties

  • Lloyd's chief calls for UK government to share cyber data

    28 November 2016

    Hopes to use corporate reports on cyber attacks from 2018

  • Lloyd's finds few correlations between extreme global weather events

    24 November 2016

    Hopes regulators will allow release of capital locked in local jurisdictions

  • Treasury launches consultation on ILS regulation

    23 November 2016

    Protected Cell Company laws will make segregation of risk more simple, says Treasury

  • IAIS chair hints at less prescriptive matching adjustment for ICS

    23 November 2016

    Trade-off between requirements and benefit being discussed

  • AIG UK chief threatens London exit

    22 November 2016

    May join the queue to relocate to EU country, says Anthony Baldwin

  • FCA chief set outs big data agenda

    22 November 2016

    Benefits need to be balanced with potential divisions in society, says Andrew Bailey

  • FSB designates same nine G-Siis

    21 November 2016

    New IAIS designation methodology was not used

  • Trump election doesn't change AIG stance on Sifi designation

    18 November 2016

    But CEO says change of FSOC board could reduce importance of designation