Callum Tanner

Articles by Callum Tanner

  • Scor prepared for rising inflation, says CRO

    06 September 2017

    Even severe shock would do little damage to solvency ratio

  • Tokio Marine chooses Luxembourg for EU subsidiary

    06 September 2017

    Insurer says country to become an important marketplace for P&C business

  • Lloyd's insurer Canopius bought by private equity for $952m

    01 September 2017

    Sompo Holdings president concluded UK subsidiary couldn't easily integrate with Bermuda business

  • Lloyd's hits back against Kanye West lawsuit

    31 August 2017

    Syndicates point to alcohol and drugs exemptions for $10m claim

  • Driverless lorries to be tested on UK roads

    25 August 2017

    Axa UK says autonomous vehicles could save haulage industry £34bn after 10 years, including insurance

  • Phoenix grasps benefit of slowing longevity improvement

    24 August 2017

    Adoption of CMI 16 decreases value of liabilities by £126m

  • Uniqa details hit from Italian bank failure

    23 August 2017

    Insurer puts aside €40m to pay for cost of cancelling sales partnership with insolvent bank Veneto

  • German non-life to continue premium hikes in light of poor investment yields

    23 August 2017

    Solvency ratios expected to decline but remain above 250% at year-end 2017 says Fitch

  • Gibraltar-based insurer Elite reports £10m capital shortfall

    22 August 2017

    Closed insurer's SFCR shows capital was below SCR at end of first quarter after increase in reserves

  • LCP survey finds a quarter of non-life QRTs full of "obvious errors"

    17 August 2017

    Nearly a quarter would also need to recapitalise after loss of capital equal to MCR