Asa Gibson

Articles by Asa Gibson

  • PRA invites industry comments on matching adjustment

    18 April 2016

    Outlines expectations on changes to MA portfolios and ongoing compliance

  • The regulator who became an innovator

    14 April 2016

    Waleed Sarwar quit a steady job for the thrills and spills of tech entrepreneurship. He talks to Asa Gibson about his experiences so far

  • Cyber security draft model law "impossible to support"

    14 April 2016

    NAIC and industry remain keen to "occupy the field" ahead of Federal legislation

  • Blockchain presents "extraordinary opportunity" for insurers

    13 April 2016

    Technology could eliminate administrative costs in claims and underwriting

  • IFoA elects first non-UK president

    12 April 2016

    Old Mutual's CRO Marjorie Ngwenya will lead the actuarial institute from June 2017

  • Rothesay Life hedges £2.4bn of longevity risk in 2015

    11 April 2016

    Reveals Solvency II capital ratio for first time

  • Woods' promotion puts PRA back on the hunt for insurance chief

    08 April 2016

    Sam Woods will succeed Andrew Bailey as the supervisor's chief executive

  • Section 166 respite for UK insurers

    07 April 2016

    PRA eases off skilled persons reviews in 2015

  • Achmea's solvency ratio rises 18% year-on-year

    06 April 2016

    Benefits from late changes to directive interpretations

  • L&G appoints strategic director for pensions risk transfer business

    06 April 2016

    Matt Wilmington joins from Aon Hewitt