Aggelos Andreou

Articles by Aggelos Andreou

  • Profitability proves the Achilles heel for Dutch insurers

    09 March 2018

    Fitch review analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the Dutch insurance industry.

  • Axa's Buberl defends takeover of XL

    06 March 2018

    Axa's share price dropped almost 10% following the announcement of its plan to acquire XL Group. Aggelos Andreou reports on the rationale behind the deal

  • PRA details response to parliament's Solvency II investigation

    27 February 2018

    UK regulator makes full response to criticisms from Treasury Committee

  • Aviva exits Spain with sale of joint venture stakes

    23 February 2018

    The £178m sale increases Aviva's capital surplus by £150m.

  • US regulators review Prudential Financial's strict supervision

    22 February 2018

    The Financial Stability Oversight Council begins consultation on removing insurer from the list of the systemically important

  • UK motor insurers may face £1bn claims over race discrimination

    19 February 2018

    Trevor Phillips says underwriters refuse to investigate the issue of the alleged additional charges to people of colour.

  • Saga names Patrick O'Sullivan as chairman

    19 February 2018

    Andrew Goodsell to step down after 26 years in the firm

  • Lloyd's insurers and Kanye West settle $10m lawsuit

    16 February 2018

    Dispute over the cancellation of concerts was resolved "amicably"

  • Pool Re offers 5% premium discount via new vulnerability tool

    15 February 2018

    UK terrorism reinsurer offers self-assessment of mitigation measures

  • IDD delay greeted with mixed reactions

    15 February 2018

    Insurers have welcomed the European Commission's proposal to delay implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive, but not all national regulators are towing the line. Aggelos Andreou reports