
  • John Huff: Capital cannot be the only answer to systemic risk

    30 October 2014

    While in Amsterdam for the conference of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, Hugo Coelho caught up with Missouri insurance commissioner John Huff. Here he elaborates on his criticism of global standards, and discusses key aspects in the tug of war between the US and Europe on the convergence of insurance regulation

  • Full steam ahead for Solvency II technology implementation

    28 October 2014

    The heat is on insurers to make their technology work in a fast-paced and regulation-bound environment, as Christopher Cundy surveys the scene in his introduction to the InsuranceERM Technology Guide 2014-15

  • Targeting reinsurance systemic risk

    23 October 2014

    All eyes are on the FSB's forthcoming update of G-SIIs, which is expected to include reinsurers for the first time. Marcus Alcock looks at who might be on the list and what the implications are for the market

  • The broad view

    21 October 2014

    Tom Wilson, CRO of Allianz, talks to Marcus Alcock about the need for supervisors to adapt as well, his difficulty with traditional insurance being deemed systemically relevant, and the trials and tribulations involved in submitting a trial IMAP which is over 100,000 pages long

  • Carney raises the stakes on Solvency II internal models

    16 October 2014

    Mark Carney's recent indication that the Bank of England will not hesitate to withhold approval of inadequate internal models raises the question of just how heavy-handed the regulator will turn out to be, as Stephen Makin, Emma McWilliam and Ross Evans discuss

  • Benefit of the matching adjustment could be wafer-thin

    14 October 2014

    If supervisors take a hard line on the methodology for calculating the fundamental spread and issues like diversification, new business and portfolio rebalancing, the adjustment could lose its appeal, reports Hugo Coelho

  • Speeding up reporting processes

    09 October 2014

    Bringing forward the calibration of risk factors in proxy models is one of the strategies to comply with the five-week deadline for quarterly reporting, according to a survey by Towers Watson. Hugo Coelho investigates

  • Catastrophe models for the 21st century

    02 October 2014

    Modern society is incredibly interconnected and creating potentially huge risks that insurers are struggling to capture. RMS's Andrew Coburn explains to Christopher Cundy how a new generation of catastrophe models could be developed to help

  • Excluding terrorism risk?

    25 September 2014

    As the US Congress debates the latest renewal of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, fears about expiration are stronger than before, with divisions over state v private sector responsibilities for insurance risk threatening the previous consensus. Hugo Coelho examines

  • Catastrophe models - is one ever enough?

    23 September 2014

    Finding the right balance between sharing resources related to natural catastrophes and competing over such information continues to be a sticky issue for the Lloyd's market, according to Michael Tripp