
  • UK's problem with Solvency II isn't EU red tape: it's gold plating

    17 November 2016

    MPs investigating post-Brexit Solvency II reforms should focus on the UK regulator, rather than Brussels bureaucrats, according to insurers. Far from throwing off the shackles of Europe, most firms hope any changes will be minor and phased in slowly. Callum Tanner reports

  • Actuaries call for improved Solvency II transitional reset methodology

    09 November 2016

    When and how to recalculate the transitional measure on technical provisions has proved one of the trickiest aspects of the Solvency II regime for UK insurers. Actuaries argue the PRA will need to refine the methodology if firms are to take a more meaningful benefit. Callum Tanner reports

  • Board governance the focus in Enterprise failure investigation

    01 November 2016

    The Gibraltar regulator believes it may have been "consistently misled" by Enterprise's board on its solvency. Peter Taylor, its director of legal enforcement, speaks to Callum Tanner about the ongoing probe

  • New York Life reaps rewards of actuarial reform

    27 October 2016

    Moving to the FIS Prophet US Single Platform for actuarial valuation and projection involved cultural as well as technical upgrades

  • The tech trends of 2016

    24 October 2016

    Christopher Cundy discusses the current themes in risk and actuarial software

  • Solvency II implementation reveals national diversities

    20 October 2016

    InsuranceERM's survey of supervisors reveals how the use of internal models, transitionals and discount curve adjustments differs across the EU

  • Brexit shifts debate on Solvency II reforms

    13 October 2016

    Many see Solvency II rules as a largely British export to Europe, but once the UK leaves the EU, the remaining member states are likely to take the directive in a new direction. Callum Tanner reports

  • Back on track with RMS(one)

    11 October 2016

    RMS chief executive Hemant Shah talks to Christopher Cundy about the long-delayed launch of its exposure management platform, RMS(one)

  • Ireland's Solvency II testing raises proportionality concerns

    06 October 2016

    The Central Bank of Ireland's probe into how smaller insurers are coping with Solvency II has touched a nerve with proponents of proportionality. David Walker reports

  • Liquidity has become a fluid concept in financial markets

    04 October 2016

    Melanie Mitchell makes the case for decreased liquidity in corporate bond markets, and explains how investors should respond