
  • Lloyd's responds to backlash over internal model change

    07 February 2017

    Proposals to alter Lloyd's policy on internal model change have been rejected by managing agents and the corporation is scrambling to respond. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Flood Re reveals contrasts in UK insurers' flood modelling

    02 February 2017

    Britain's flood reinsurance programme has exposed insurers' ability to model and manage flood risk, as Flood Re's chief actuary Gary McInally discusses with Christopher Cundy

  • The PRA's plan for a market-turning event

    31 January 2017

    Supervisors are ready to help insurers understand how the new regulatory environment will respond in the event of an unprecedented major catastrophe, as explains Chris Moulder, director of general insurance at the Bank of England

  • UK insurers emphasise post-Brexit opportunity

    26 January 2017

    Senior management from Lloyd's, L&G, Prudential and the ABI have presented evidence to the Treasury Select Committee. With a hard Brexit now on the horizon most firms have given up on retaining single market access and are instead focusing on the benefits of changing Solvency II. Callum Tanner reports

  • Agenda 2017 part 2: Disaster and disruption

    19 January 2017

    Trump, the rise of populism, the soft reinsurance market, internal model updates, cyber risk, tech disruption and the possibility of rising rates present insurers with threats and opportunities in equal measure. Callum Tanner reports

  • Gibraltar regulator will take own route on post-Brexit reform

    17 January 2017

    The London market has been loud and clear about its concerns over Brexit, but Gibraltar based firms are in an arguably even more uncertain position. Kathryn Morgan, director of regulatory operations at the GFSC speaks to Callum Tanner about Solvency II and passporting

  • Navigating the options on recovery and resolution

    12 January 2017

    As recovery and resolution planning becomes a focus for regulators, Eoin King, Bridget MacDonnell and Eamonn Phelan explore the requirements for re/insurers and the possibilities for recovery measures

  • Agenda 2017 part 1: Insurers prepare for another volatile year

    10 January 2017

    Brexit, Solvency II look-through disclosures, SFCR reports, the Treasury Select Committee inquiry into Solvency II and the fallout from the Eiopa stress tests all present a daunting year ahead for insurance risk managers. Callum Tanner reports

  • How the Lloyd's market can survive Brexit

    05 January 2017

    Lloyd's has a unique challenge in navigating the UK's exit from the EU. Graeme Tennyson explains the three main options and the implications of those for the market

  • Actuaries price themselves out of data science jobs

    03 January 2017

    The skills needed in the 'big data' revolution closely match those held by actuaries, but well-qualified individuals are unlikely to find the sector financially attractive, as Cintia Cheong finds in her report on actuarial recruitment in the UK