
  • Insurers raise the heat on weather derivatives

    24 January 2014

    Rain or shine, the past year has seen a host of insurers jumping into the weather derivatives markets. Weather risks offer significant synergies with existing business lines and deal flow is on the up. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Getting women on board

    16 January 2014

    The insurance business has a lack of women in senior leadership roles. Jamie Bullen talks to several high flying women to find out what more can be done, the importance of networking and whether quotas should be introduced

  • The ORSA gallops around the world

    14 January 2014

    Common in concept, but implemented according to local taste, the own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA) has become a global tool for risk management and supervision. Eamonn Phelan and Padraic O'Malley document the spread of ORSA reporting

  • Panizza overhauls Generali's risk management

    10 January 2014

    After some torrid years, Italian insurer Generali is undergoing a massive transformation aimed at restoring its profitability. Chief risk officer Sandro Panizza explains to Christopher Cundy how, one year into the job, he is changing the risk management function

  • ERM basics: Proxy techniques enable risk-based decision making

    08 January 2014

    Proxy techniques, such as least squares Monte Carlo, allow faster analysis of risks and for many insurers they have become essential tools for aiding decision making, as Brian Robinson explains

  • Solvency reform a priority for US regulators

    20 December 2013

    US insurance supervision is inefficient and inconsistent, according to the Federal Insurance Office, which has made its long-awaited recommendations for reform. Among its prime targets are solvency regulation, reserving and treatment of captives. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Using least squares Monte Carlo proxy functions for internal model validation

    18 December 2013

    LSMC techniques are finding popularity in Solvency II economic capital calculations and multi-year projections of capital requirements. In this article, Christian Bettels explains how they can also apply to validation of internal models

  • Longevity risk deals plagued by complexity

    12 December 2013

    Longevity transactions are often weighed down by legal complexities, scores of advisers and trustees not sure what they are looking to achieve from the deal, according to panellists at InsuranceERM's Insurance Risk and Capital event

  • Scor takes a dynamic approach to solvency targets

    10 December 2013

    Scor's new strategy has introduced the concept of a dynamic solvency target and a capital-setting framework around which all aspects of the business will be managed. Chief risk officer Philippe Trainar explains to Christopher Cundy how - and why - it works.

  • Perspectives on Omnibus II: cautious relief to outrage

    04 December 2013

    As the dust settled around Omnibus II, InsuranceERM spoke to those closely involved in the negotiations to get their verdict on the result. The diverse opinions from legislator, supervisor, insurer, rapporteur and parliamentarian reflect the complexity of the issues – and how battles over the details of Solvency II are far from over